Thursday, September 3, 2020

Valuable Factors and Analysis On Financialâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Important Factors and Analysis On Financial? Answer: Presentation This report comprises of all the legitimate raw numbers, for example, bookkeeping laws, budgetary ramifications and punishments and charges forced on Deep water Horizon Oil Spill for the carefully demonstrated liabilities. The principle conversation in this report is comprised of harms saw because of profound water Horizon Oil Spill and how association is thinking of procedures to supplant its current eco-wellbeing machines. In this report, it is given that gathering has kept up escrow record to meet their unexpected liabilities. This escrow bookkeeper has been made kept up according to the legitimate and administrative necessities. This case gives an unmistakable bifurcation on the fines and punishments which are forced on the Deep water Horizon Oil Spill and those liabilities which are unsure for the lawful fines. Also, this report mirrors the immediate and aberrant effect of biological and sociological administrations in and around the Gulf of Mexico. This Deep water Horizon Oil S pill has constrained government and administrative specialists to makes changes in obligatory necessity of environmental and sociological administrations utilized by all the associations in Mexico. There are a few conversation and proposal given which mirrors the genuine effect of Deep water Horizon Oil Spill (Boyd, 2010). Purposes of conversation The principle conversation has been had on the negative effect of Deep water Horizon Oil Spill which has happened because of the less powerful biological system actualized by BP. This Deep water Horizon oil slick gives an unmistakable bifurcation on the fines and punishments which are forced on the Deep water Horizon Oil Spill and those liabilities which are questionable for the lawful fines. In the wake of investigating all the subtleties and focuses for this situation study, it is seen that BP didn't reveal the correct data on eco-framework administrations and other natural emotionally supportive network which could be utilized by organization to alleviate the negative effect of its business working. Be that as it may, BP had likewise executed new eco-framework which was no utilization and didn't put any positive reactions. Profound water Horizon Oil Spill had put negative effect on the money related places of the organization. It is seen that in 2009 BP was having benefit of aroun d $ million 6947 which diminished by extreme sum and friends needed to confront high measure of loss of $ million 11071. What's more, BP had vowed to make commitment of $ 500 million in its innovative work office so as to build up a viable degree of eco-framework in the wake of breaking down the negative effect of Deep water Horizon Oil Spill. Moreover, so as to fortify its ruinous image picture, The BP bunch had likewise dedicated to give subsidize $ million 360 expense of Six embankments in Louisiana island venture. The fundamental conversation point is identified with the measure of cash which BP put resources into the improvement of Eco-framework. Organization charged this sum from benefit and misfortune account by considering its income costs. According to the IFRS rules and guideline, the speculation made in foundation of eco-framework is capital consumption. Organization has charged these costs from benefit and misfortune account (King, et al. 2015). This mirrors organization has not been following legitimate bookkeeping and budgetary administrative necessities. This has indicated that organization had been making a few positive arrangements and procedures so as to moderate the negative effects stimulate in Mexico bay. In any case, according to the bookkeeping and administrative necessities, it is broke down that BP had put all its required and guaranteed assets in its escrow account. This escrow account was kept up so as to keep punishments cash and dubious charges which could be stirred if all the forced charges end up being severe liabilities under the spotless water act. What's more, merged budget report and yearly report had been set up by BP so as to consent to IFRS rules AASB norms. Further to see, BP has likewise demonstrated measure of misfortune which it experienced Deep water Horizon Oil Spill in its merged asset report for following its local and global administrative necessities. Besides, it is viewed as that the all out estimation of eco-f ramework which had crushed because of oil slick would cost around USD 12 to 47 billion. The primary worry in this report identified with the straightforwardness of BP working framework. Organization had neglected to uncover required measure of data to its residential and worldwide partners. BP had neither followed worldwide nor local announcing structures appropriately. In the event that organization needs to keep up a global brand picture, at that point it ought to agree to IFRS rules and AASB bookkeeping standard while detailing its merged budget reports with administrative specialists (Bodle, et al. 2016) Reflection working on it of BP For this situation, BP had confronted a few punishments and charges because of its Deep water Horizon Oil Spill. These costs organization has charged as income costs from its benefit and misfortune account. Then again, according to IFRS and AASB 137 principles if organization has made costs and venture which is high in sum and identified with capital consumption then it ought to be charged as Capital use. BP has charged every one of its misfortunes from the benefit and misfortunes which reflects high measure of misfortunes in its business working. Maybe, BP had accounted these exchanges as income consumption so as to spare expense from the administrations. It is assessed that BP needed to make appropriate divulgence of all its monetary exchanges to its partners. BP had neglected to make legitimate degree of divulgence to its partners which had made organization in default consenting to its bookkeeping and money related administrative necessities. It is seen that BP didn't unveil the best possible data on eco-framework administrations and other natural emotionally supportive network which could be utilized by organization to relieve the negative effect of its business working. Profound water Horizon Oil Spill had come about into negative effect on the budgetary places of the organization (Zhuang, 2016). It is seen that organization has lost its financial worth and in 2009 BP was having benefit of around $ million 6947 which diminished by radical sum and friends needed to confront high measure of loss of $ million 11071. Accordingly, it would be construed that BP has not followed appropriate degree of consistence and exposure necessities. Also, less powerful business working of BP has come about into elevated level of misfortunes. So as to finish up the perspective on this topic it is mirrored that BP needs to make changes in its detailing structures and should deal with its straightforwardness issues in decided methodology (Gutierrez, et al. 2013). End This report mirrors the deficiency of BP in its bookkeeping and money related administrative prerequisites. There above examination on Deep water Horizon Oil Spill has been broke down which has given how the board division had concocted money related ramifications of BPs reactions to Deep water Horizon Oil Spill. What's more, there are other inadequacy have been uncovered which BP had made in its money related revealing. Partners had made case that organization didn't reveal legitimate data in its yearly report. Bookkeeper of BP had charged the entirety of its costs as income costs. Also, the organization has endured misfortunes because of its negative business working. In the event that BP needs to reproduce its image picture, at that point it should take care of its all charges and build up a compelling eco-framework. Presently at long last it would be construed that bookkeeper and monetary supervisors need to examination all IFRS rules and bookkeeping gauges in decided methodology before planning budget summary of BP. In addition, after the Deep water Horizon Oil case, government and administrative specialists should make changes in obligatory necessity of environmental and sociological administrations utilized by all the associations in Mexico. This would build the wellbeing security prerequisites as well as increment the straightforwardness in discloser of money related and bookkeeping subtleties to its partners (Liu, et al. 2016). References Bodle, K.A., Bodle, K.A., Cybinski, P.J., Cybinski, P.J., Monem, R. what's more, Monem, R., 2016. Impact of IFRS selection on monetary revealing quality: Evidence from chapter 11 forecast. Bookkeeping Research Journal,29(3), pp.292-312. Boyd, J., 2010. Lost biological system products and ventures as a proportion of marine oil contamination harms. Assets for the Future DP 10-31, 25p Gutierrez, T., Singleton, D.R., Berry, D., Yang, T., Aitken, M.D. furthermore, Teske, A., 2013. Hydrocarbon-debasing microorganisms enhanced by the Deepwater Horizon oil slick recognized by development and DNA-SIP. The ISME diary, 7(11), p.2091. Ruler, G.M., Kostka, J.E., Hazen, T.C. also, Sobecky, P.A., 2015. Microbial reactions to the Deepwater Horizon oil slick: from seaside wetlands to the remote ocean. Yearly survey of sea life science, 7, pp.377-401. Liu, Z., Liu, J., Gardner, W.S., Shank, G.C. furthermore, Ostrom, N.E., 2016. The effect of Deepwater Horizon oil slick on oil hydrocarbons in surface waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Remote ocean Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 129, pp.292-300. Zhuang, Z., 2016. Conversation of An assessment of benefit disabilities by Australian firms and whether they were affected by AASB 136.Accounting Finance,56(1), pp.289-294.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Enhancement Drugs in Sports Should Be Banned An Argumentative Paper

Presentation The utilization of upgrade drugs and other execution improvement substances in sports is certifiably not another wonder. Be that as it may, as Murray (11) takes note of, the methods utilized by sports people to accomplish this upgrade are expanding. This is particularly so given the expanding seriousness in sports in contemporary society. The possibility of winning a gold award in a time of two years will make a games man do whatever they consider prone to upgrade their performance.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Enhancement Drugs in Sports Should Be Banned: An Argumentative Paper explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More An a valid example is the 2007 Mitchell Report that investigated this training in American games. As per this report, Major League base ball sports characters in this nation admitted or were found to have occupied with this training at some point in their vocation (Murray 11). Comparative reports have discovered that utilization of execution improvement tranquilizes in sports is common in different games, for example, cycling, football and others. There are different types of execution upgrade separated from the utilization of medications. This is for instance the utilization of athletic gear that builds the presentation of the competitor. A model is the utilization of extraordinary bathing suits to decrease water opposition in swimming, utilization of unique waxes and liquids in skiing and such others (Katz 113). In the light of these turns of events, partners in the donning business, including people in general, have kept on argueing whether execution improvement medications ought to be authorized or not. The discussion encompasses the utilization of medications, given that the types of gear utilized for a similar reason don't raise equivalent debate. Toward one side of the continuum, there are the individuals who are of the view that these medications ought to be sanctioned, contending t hat the premise on which the equivalent are prohibited is lacking. On the outrageous finish of the continuum, there are the individuals who advocate for a complete boycott of these substances, contending that business as usual as it is ought to be kept up. This way of thinking refers to a few purposes behind this, furious from negative impacts on singular wellbeing and shamefulness in sport. This paper is going to feature the convictions of the creator most definitely. This creator is of the view that the presentation upgrade sedates in sports ought to be prohibited, and serious disciplinary activities ought to be distributed to the individuals who disregard the equivalent. In this paper, the creator is going to state and bolster the reasons why they accept this ought to be so. Restricting contentions will be distinguished and discredited. Execution Enhancement Drugs: Total Ban is the Way to Go The exhibition upgrade medications ought to have no spot in the realm of sports. The medi cations are destructive to the competitors as people, yet they additionally influence everyone around them, including individual contenders, future competitors and the general population when all is said in done. This is the motivation behind why the avocations by the adversaries of the all out boycott, that fragment of the general public pushing for the utilization of these medications, shows up so unconvincing.Advertising Looking for inquire about paper on wellbeing medication? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Performance Enhancement Drugs: Freedom of Choice? The individuals who contend for the authorization of execution upgrade medicates in sports are of the view that the competitors are simply getting a charge out of and rehearsing their opportunity of decision, something they are qualified for under the constitution (Endersby 15). They are of the view that if the games people wish to ingest the medications, they ought to b e permitted to do as such. All things considered, it is their body that will be influenced if there should be an occurrence of negative wellbeing outcomes. The competitors ought to be taken as grown-ups, people ready to settle on normal decisions and choices throughout everyday life. The choice to take execution improvement drugs, instead of undertaking in sports without the advantage of the medications, is a sane one (Schermer 86). This is given the way that there is a ton of data out there, data that can be gotten to by the competitors, with respect to the advantages and impacts of the medications. By utilizing the presentation upgrade tranquilizes, the competitors are as a result encroaching on the opportunity of different competitors in the field (Schermer 86). This is regardless of the way that they are making the most of their opportunity of decision. On the off chance that the contending competitors need to prevail against the individuals who have taken execution upgrade drug s, at that point they have no alternative yet to ingest similar medications. In this light, clearly these competitors have been pressured to utilize these medications. Clearly the opportunity of decision for these competitors have been damaged by the righteousness of leaving them without any choices to choose from (Endersby 6). The privileges of these competitors who don't wish to ingest these medications ought to be ensured by restricting those taking them and banishing them from wearing. Characteristic and Unnatural Distinction Those supporting for the utilization of these medications are of the view that the qualification between that which is common and that which isn't, as contended by the adversaries of medication use, is unsound and unviable (Maguire 8). They are of the view that sports people as of now take supplements and such other stuff that are definitely not regular. Activities in mimicked situations, extraordinarily made sports’ array and dietary enhancements ut ilized by competitors are not regular. These things give the competitors who get to them undue bit of leeway over the individuals who can not. It is a reality certain that the line among lawful and illicit execution improvement is liquid and obscured. Notwithstanding, note that the line ought to be looked after in any case. The principal explanation behind this is to shield those utilizing drugs from unfavorable wellbeing impacts. In the event that the competitors can not ensure themselves, at that point they ought to be shielded from themselves. The other motivation behind why this line ought to be kept up, as obscured as it seems to be, is to protect the convention of normal rivalry between competitors utilizing their characteristic gifts and versatility.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Enhancement Drugs in Sports Should Be Banned: An Argumentative Paper explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is eminent that a qualification, yet obscur ed, exists between the utilization of a decent eating regimen by the competitor and utilizing steroids and different medications that expansion execution of the competitor. On the off chance that a veritable and particular regular rivalry is to be kept up, at that point utilization of medications ought to be disregarded. Execution Enhancement Drugs: Leveling the Playing Field? There are the individuals who are persuaded that legitimization of execution upgrade medications, for example, steroids will guarantee a level playing field for all the competitors (Maguire 11). This is particularly so given the way that, in spite of their unlawful status, these medications keep on being utilized by competitors in the field. An a valid example is the Olympic Games of the year 2000, which was defaced by charges of doping among the competitors (Murray 15). The way that these medications were at that point prohibited didn't stop the competitors from utilizing them, which prompted peeling off awar ds from those competitors suspected and affirmed to have occupied with doping. Considering this, as indicated by defenders of these medications, those competitors who don't participate in this training have the playing field soaks against them. As indicated by this way of thinking, authorization will guarantee that all the players have equivalent access to these medications. Right now, they contend, just those competitors who have the methods and the muscle to get to these medications are guaranteed of staggering execution in the field. Those without the methods, particularly those from creating and financially gaunt nations, are clearly distraught. Be that as it may, this contention by the advocates doesn't stand any kind of test, and it isn't sufficient to legitimize legitimization of these medications. By authorizing these medications, the specialists will be as a result releasing dread on the competitors. Presently, the unfriendly wellbeing impacts on competitors, including horm onal uneven characters and such others, is constrained to those couple of and brave competitors. Attempt to envision what will happen when the whole steady in China Olympics is loaded up with competitors enjoying some real success on drugs. The exhibition for the onlookers will be quite an astonishing thing. Be that as it may, it is critical to attempt to figure what will befall these competitors when they are through with performing for the spectators.Advertising Searching for examine paper on wellbeing medication? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The harm to their bodies will be broad, particularly given the way that authorization will support experimentation with new and untested medication mixes. Female competitors will transform into ladies with attributes of men, given the measure of steroids siphoned into their framework. This, the creator accepts, isn't worth two hours of wonder under the lights of cameras. Katz (121) is of the view that legitimization of steroids and different medications, apparently to level the playing ground, will have more antagonistic impacts than benefits. This creator looks at the situation after sanctioning to what they allude to as a â€Å"race for arms† (Katz 122). This is whereby every competitor will need to get to preferable and ground-breaking drugs over their rival. Thusly, they will ensure that they get to these medications through any methods, regardless of whether they are directed under the imagined legitimized framework. Sanctioning will resemble letting free a flee juggernau t, letting it wreck anything on its way. Utilization of Performance Enhancement Drugs: Spectacular Performance? Diversion has become a vital component of contemporary society. This is particularly so given the way that in the wake of investing energy in the quick paced path that is urban life, people need to slow down during their relaxation time. Entertainmen

Friday, August 21, 2020

Meaning and Importance of Programmed Life Cycle (PLC) Term Paper

Which means and Importance of Programmed Life Cycle (PLC) - Term Paper Example The mix applied requires the pioneer to use styles, for example, visionary. They are important in light of the fact that they make future, empower strengthening, and respond in a far reaching way. The theoretical stage follows the attainability study stage in which the program plan happens. This stage pushes sincerely on characteristics, for example, tuning in, examination, just as the arrangement. At this stage, pioneers respond by breaking down issues scientifically, listening cautiously, being change bosses, and indicating the righteousness of intermingling. The program advancement stage, regularly the third stage in the PLC underscores the acknowledgment, duty, and agreeable. The pioneer must show group building attributes as they apply capacity to impact the remainder of the workforce decidedly. The fourth stage, which is the execution of the program weights on re-arrangement (Mclean, et al., 2011). The pioneer, for this situation, responds by being a leader, balances work and relaxation; portray reliability and collaboration. The last stage is the program completing stage. It involves the exchange of the item and data. At this stage, the pioneer must show the essential managerial characteristics. A recreational software engineer utilizing the PLC is fit for sharing a single administration automation stage. The act of PLC has been considered sensible and it connects with everybody. This permits leading contemplations before settling on the inevitable choice. The result of the PLC, in this manner, is a consequence of meetings between the administrators and the other staff. Thus, there exists devotion among the lower positioned staff. Publicizing involves the correspondence of compensations of an item or a help by making a fragment or the whole network acquainted with it. This movement guarantees that individuals know about the decisions allowed to them as customers. On the other hand, exposure alludes to a movement including overseeing of creations, administrations, just as the fame of an organization.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Freakonomics Rhetorical Analysis - Literature Essay Samples

Freakonomics, Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner claim, is a newly invented field of study that address the unexpected questions that others fail to explore. As a result, their book discusses and relates a variety of strange yet important topics, such as cheating sumo wrestlers and teachers, the Ku Klux Klan and real estate agents, and abortion and crime rates. However, although many of these relate to highly charged issues, the authors present an engaging writing style that subdues this tension and avoids offending the reader. One of the more controversial topics discussed in the book concerns realtors and their skillful utilization of â€Å"the information asymmetry [they enjoy]† (73). Although it seems unavoidable that fingers will be pointed and real-estate agents will be put under a spotlight of shame, the authors skillfully incorporate generalizations about humans that shift the â€Å"blame†, creating a sense of impartiality. While there is emphasis placed on certain words to show impact, like the monetary loss to K due to â€Å"his own agent’s intervention†, Levitt and Dubner calm this sharper tone shortly afterwards by shrugging it off and suggesting that everyone abuses information similarly in their daily lives, and not only experts (73). Just like how the words used in ads are critical to the sale price of houses, the book also makes good use of connotative language to establish a more neutral tone. In outlining the process taken by realtors to sell houses, the authors use the words â€Å"patiently† and â€Å"careful† (73). Although ultimately the agent is using information to their advantage, the connotation of these words provides a more positive image, illustrating them as organized and systematic, rather than cunning and exploitative. Overall, the writing avoids offending by creating an impartial tone through its abstinence from opinions and statement of everything as only truth and facts. This forces the reader to accept what the book presents as simply a matter of fact or a characterization of all humanity that simply cannot be changed. In the very first chapter of the book, a very prominent concern in society is addressed: cheating. Levitt and Dubner almost immediately manage to subdue this topic by quantifying the entire concept. They describe cheating to be â€Å"a primordial economic act: getting more for less† (21). This succeeds in reducing the moral strain on one’s consciousness that comes with the thought of cheating by simply boiling it down to numbers: humans want more. And this means everyone. In the first paragraph on page 21, the authors make use of the word â€Å"you† several times in order to emphasize the inclusion of each and every reader, regardless of who they may be (21). They create numerous sample scenarios that can appear in everyday life, such as board games, golf, copying test answers, or even taking a bagel from work and forgetting to pay, to illustrate that no one is exempt from the act of cheating, regardless of how insignificant the act may seem; â€Å"it isnâ€℠¢t just the boldface names† (21). Once again this dissipates any possibility of offense by generalization; while cheating is considered to be immoral and selfish, it is unavoidable, making it â€Å"a prominent feature in just about every human endeavor† (21). Once again, by extending this topic to everyone, the writing makes it seem less criticizing and more a matter of fact; the authors’ tone stresses analysis of reality rather than morals so it does not appear to target anyone. Yet another controversial topic that appears is abortion and its correlation to crime rates. Before connecting the two ideas, the authors first discuss the history of abortion and then crime separately, using facts to back up everything. After discovering the cause and effect relationship from the evidence provided, the first thing Levitt and Dubner do is take the stance of a reader. They remain objective, covering all possible reactions and views. Throughout the entire section, they continue to ask questions or ponder aloud what the reader might be wondering, giving their writing an unbiased, friendly tone. For example, the book asks, â€Å"how, then, can we tell if the abortion-crime link is a case of causality rather than simply correlation?†. Instead of constantly pushing forward more data that suggests this fact, the writing tries to move at the pace of the reader. It is easy to read without getting offended because the writers never take a stance or argue for any one sid e. They use impartial phrases like however a person feels about abortion and obviously there is no right answer to avoid any possible of the reader feeling uncomfortable (142, 144). They also accept that these findings could cause people to â€Å"feel shaken by the notion of a private sadness converted into a public good† (142). Towards the end of the chapter, the book discusses the comparative value of a newborn vs a fetus. This could have potentially been a dangerous question to explore, but the writers address both sides, and then warn the reader to discontinue reading if they identified strongly with either side. By taking care to avoid unintentionally supporting one side, they form a better connection with the reader and are less likely to offend. Throughout the book, Levitt and Dubner discuss various controversial topics, yet still manage to achieve a good balance in their writing. They maintain an unbiased tone through use of qualifiers and addressing the reader directly by asking questions. Utilizing italicized words, as well generalizations, the authors’ voice comes out as friendly, curious, and very logical. The most important aspect of their writing is that they never seem to favor any one side of the argument and instead analyze all viewpoints and consider a variety of evidence and research before coming up with a final conclusion. This style not only succeeds in preventing readers from taking offense, but also keeps them engaged and wanting to read more.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Similarities And Differences Between Odysseus Movie And Movie

The Odyssey movie and book had many differences and similarities. This story is very interesting and it was even more beautiful seeing it in a movie. I wish that the movie and book were more alike than they were. The book had way more detail than the book in my opinion. Im gonna list some of the similarities and differences i noticed watching and reading this story. In the movie and the book Odysseus does a lot of the same thing. Odysseus is known to be a hero and to either win or lose. He usually has a victory, he is a very smart man who thinks everything through before going through with it. Victory motivates Odysseus. He wants to return home and live well in Ithaca. In the movie and book one of the things he does the†¦show more content†¦In the movie she has 3 heads and no feet. In the movie she is very quiet and isnt as thrilling as she was described in the book. There was also no part where he had to choose between Scylla and Charybdis . Charybdis came right after her with a waterfall that lead right into her. Charybdis was also different she was more of a scary monster in the movie then described in the book. She looked like a big round hole. When they made these changes in the movie, it made us look at the men differently. The last big difference i saw was the scene with the Lotus Eaters. In the book, Odysseus and his men went t o an island with Lotus Eaters while in the movie, the lotus blossoms were given by Circe. This made him and his men stay longer with Circe for five years. They had thought it had only been a couple days but Circe made it seem like that, so they wouldnt leave. That is also different from the book because in the book, Odysseus and his men only stayed with Circe for a year, not five years. I personally liked the movie better because i like adventurous movies and i like to see what others have to go through to get to where they wanna be. It was super interesting seeing how badly Odysseus fought and went through so much just so he could get home to his family. I also liked watching the movie more because i have to see things visually to understand whats actually going on. One of the best scenes would be theShow MoreRelatedO, Brother Where Art Thou Vs The Odyssey By Homer Essay1083 Words   |  5 PagesThe Odyssey by Homer is a Greek epic poem based on its main character Odysseus and it took place in the classical Greece. The book was composed in the eight century B.C.E, after the events it describes, and narrates several adventures with the objective of its main character to return home with his family. Moreover, the movie O, Brother Where Art Thou was published in the year 2000 and directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen. The movie also narrates the adventures of its main character Ulysses, interpretedRead MoreComparison of the Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou?1082 Words   |  5 Pagessecond. However, there are some stories that simply do not capture the essence of breathtaking adventure. The movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? created by the comedic team of Ethan and Joel Coen, simply does not capture the perplexing classic story. O Brother, Where Art Thou? Is the big screen remake of Homers epic poem, The Odyssey. This original story is about the adventure of Odysseus as he escapes his seven year imprisonment from the goddess Calypso. This Epic hero battles numerous monstersRead MoreThe s Epic The Odyssey And The Movie O Brother, Where Art Thou?848 Words   |  4 PagesThe Odyssey, by Homer. When I reviewed the movie I realized that it is almost a parallel to The Odyssey. To summarize the film O’ Brother, Where Art Thou?, Ulysseus Everett McGill, played by George Clooney, is doing time in Mississippi. He ends up scamming his way off th e chain gang accompanied by Delmar, played by Tim Blake Nelson, and Pete, played by john Turturro. The trio sets out to pursue freedom and fortune in a foretold buried treasure. The movie is about their incredible journey after theirRead MoreOdysseus- Everett Comparison730 Words   |  3 Pagesman named Odysseus who went through many trials and tribulations while trying to get home to his family. In the past, many stories, movies, and other works of literature have based its plot around the story: â€Å"The Odyssey†. However, there is one movie that stands out as unique and its title is â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou†. The producers, Joel and Ethan Coen, did a wonderful job in making actor Ulysses Everett McGill represent Odysseus. Everett from â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou† and Odysseus from Homer’sRead MoreOdyssey and Odysseus Outstanding Qualities2184 Words   |  9 Pagesqualities enable Odysseus to survive all his dangerous adventures and to surmo unt all obstacles to return home safely and regain his old staus? = The outstanding qualities that I think Odysseus had were that he was his intelligence, his strength, and he was very caring. His best quality is that he is very intelligent. He is able to use his mind to find solutions to problems, outsmart people, and to just use his mind for many different problems. For example when the Cyclops asked Odysseus what his nameRead More Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Essay3103 Words   |  13 PagesPercy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie and Classical mythology was that there would be many more references to the myth of Perceus than any other myth throughout the movie in its entirety. That’s where I was wrong. After watching the movie again and researching the different hero myths my opinion has changed. My new thoughts are that the movie is not influenced by the myth of Perceus any more than other hero myths. The movie ties together many different heroes’ stories and mixesRead MoreThe Alleg ory Of The Cave1849 Words   |  8 Pagesring true. Enter Iron Age Greece, the Trojan war has finally come to an end and the victorious are more than ready to return home to their families with fame and fortune. Ready to see his wife, Penelope, and son, Telemachus, the meritorious warrior Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer’s The Odyssey, sets out for Ithaca. Yet, his victorious adventure goes awry on his journey home and he must conquer 20 years of the gods’ wrath, vicious creatures, oddly hospitable hosts, and conniving suitors before heRead MoreThe Real Heroes in Literature1890 Words   |  8 Pagesfat at the stomach† (Tolkien 14) and throughout the story, complains and wishes he â€Å"was at home in [his] nice hole by the fire† with homely comforts (Tolkien 40). This is unlike other heroes who normally have the natural gift of strength, such as Odysseus who â€Å"has a more athletic build and knows how to use spear and sword as well as bow and arrowà ¢â‚¬  (Lundqvist 14). Bilbo does not have these natural gifts, and is often saved by other members of the group throughout the journey, â€Å"as happens in the confrontationRead More C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy Essay4960 Words   |  20 Pagesfantastical stories of paranormal phenomena that included Norse mythology. Upon reaching adulthood and becoming a noted member of the English faculty at Oxford College, Lewis published a science fiction trilogy dealing with the clash between science and religion and between good and evil. He followed the well-received series with the Chronicles of Narnia, seven Fantasy novels written for children bearing large motifs of Christian mythology. And along the way, he managed to defend Fantasy, science fiction

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

AP Lit Prompts Antigone - 998 Words

Introductory Paragraphs for Antigone 2. Antigone violated the laws set forth the land of Thebes by her uncle Creon and planned to defy Creon’s order and bury Polynices. Antigone possesses a remarkable ability to remember the past. Whereas her father Oedipus defies Tiresias, the prophet who has helped him so many times, and whereas he seems almost to have forgotten his encounter with Laius at the three-way crossroads, Antigone begins her play by talking about the many griefs that her father handed down to his children. With such acknowledgment, readers cannot help to sympathize for Antigone. Sympathy not only divides the people of Thebes to want sympathize for the Antigone but want to support the principles of society but also the†¦show more content†¦But Haemon the humanitarian believes that a commitment must be dropped if it goes against the will of the gods and if it results in widespread suffering, pain and misery. 8. Sophocles uses The Chorus as device to evoke certain emotions and reactions in response to the actions of central characters: a direction for the audience. The Chorus reacts to events as they happen, generally in a predictable, though not consistent, way. The Chorus seeks to maintain the status quo, which is generally seen to be the wrong thing. The Chorus is not cowardly so much as nervous and complacent—above all, it hopes to prevent upheaval. a) The chorus questions the wisdom of Antigone’s actions in Antigone (909–962). The final chorus of Antigone, seems on the surface more hopeful as compared to the Chorus of Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus but is actually much more ominous and ambivalent. Antigone ends with a hope for knowledge—specifically the knowledge that comes out of suffering. The audience can agree with and believe in a statement like â€Å"Wisdom is by far the greatest part of joy,† and perhaps feel that Creon has learned from his suffering, like Antigone seemingly did at the beginning of the play. b) The Chrous convinces Creon to set Antigone free and bury Polyneicdes free. Creon agrees yet this â€Å"noble† act is what marks this story a tragedy- even after this

How to Interact with People of Different Cultures free essay sample

How to Interact with people of different cultures. There are a lot of ways to start a business with new people: the most common is in meal such as lunch or dinner. So, you will need to know what are the customs of the people you are dealing with, and how your behavior is going to be. I can give you 3 recommendations of what to do in business meeting: first, you must arrive on time; second, try to learn more about their culture and third, take something with you as a present.It is very important to be punctual in a meeting because many cultures may mind rude if you are late. I can recommend being at least five minutes earlier to the meeting, It will the perfect time to arrive and you will not disturb any one. Being punctual will talk good about you, it will cause great Impression on the people around you. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Interact with People of Different Cultures or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you are late for something Important you will miss valuable Information and per haves you may miss a Lifetime opportunity. It Is also very important to be Informed about the culture of the people you will be talking to.For example, if Asian people are going to be in the meeting, you should know what are he things that disturb them. Think about the food at the meeting, as we know in Asia people eat different kinds of meals that we are used to. So, no matter how try to always eat the food that they are offering you. It will be rude if you do not eat a typical dish of any culture. A good way to cause a good impression on people its to take a present with you for any occasion. If you are invited to dinner in someones place, you must arrive with something for the meal.I can give you 3 good ideas of what to give to them. You can arrive with some desert that you like; it will be considered a polite way to Join the meeting. Another thing you can take Its a dish that you know Is good; It could be anything that you know how to cook or you can buy It too. One of the most common presents that you can take to a dinner Is a bottle of wine: It will be perfect for any occasion. If the meeting Is for a celebration you should consider taking a bottle o champagne. To sum up, while you are in a meeting you should consider this 3 recommendations.Be on time or five minutes early to the dieting; learn about the culture of the people you are going to be and finally, take a present for them. These advices will help you to cause a good impression any time. How to Interact with People of Different Cultures By Andresens How to interact with people of different cultures. There are a lot of ways to start a business with new people; the most common is in meeting, it will the perfect time to arrive and you will not disturb any one. Being punctual will talk good about you, it will cause great impression on the people around you.If you are late for something important you will miss valuable information and per haves you may miss a lifetime opportunity. It is also very important to be informed about the culture of the people you will be talking to. For considered a polite way to Join the meeting. Another thing you can take its a dish that you know is good; it could be anything that you know how to cook or you can buy it too. One of the most common presents that you can take to a dinner is a bottle of wine; it will be perfect for any occasion.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Inspirational Essay Topics

Inspirational Essay TopicsInspirational essay topics are often hard to come up with. Sometimes, the writer can find inspiration by listening to songs and watching television shows, but other times they need a dramatic shift in their thinking to get there. There are so many different types of subjects that can be used as an essay topic, and we can discuss them here. We will begin with the topic of religion.This is a topic that can be used with some flexibility. There are many different subjects about God, angels, heaven, hell, heaven and hell. The essay writer should use all of these subjects when writing an inspirational essay. This type of essay should be one that will have readers thinking of their own personal belief system. There is no one right answer for this, but it should be thought about carefully.One more style of inspirational essay topics include topics about American Indians. This topic can include any topic that allows the essay writer to relate to the reader. An exampl e of this would be about Native Americans. A Native American may be a part of some kind of tribe or family. The writer can relate to them somehow. For example, there could be an old man who was a proud citizen of his Native Indian tribe and his family, who was very proud of him.One final style of inspirational essay topics is historical topics. We are looking at historical events like the Revolution, which is a historical event that started many years ago. You can write an essay about anything that happened in history. You can write about the military, the bicentennial, the Vietnam War, anything that happened over the last few years.The most important part about writing an inspirational essay is for the writer to be authentic. This is the key to having the article written accurately. It is also crucial to have a good article, since the purpose of the essay is to inspire. The best way to do this is by using personal experience. If the writer was born in an environment where they expe rienced great hardship, they may relate well to the situation. If they were able to relate to something positive that happened in their life, that makes it much easier to write an inspirational essay topic.The main objective of this article is to provide you with some great resources that you can use to help you write a really good article. There are a lot of great ideas that can be found by doing some research online. Many of the articles will be in the form of resources that you can use to help you write your own inspirational essay. You can find different sites that are organized and informative about different inspirational essay topics.By making the decision to write your own inspirational article, you will be able to take advantage of great things that can be found. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your own experiences. You should always make sure that you write an article that is useful and it helps the readers. This is how you can really help to spread the word about your own experiences.

Friday, April 3, 2020

What to Expect From Expository Essay Samples Staar?

What to Expect From Expository Essay Samples Staar? When the thesis statement is finished, writers are now able to think about supporting topics which will be the content of the essay's body. An essay structure is a basic but efficient way of preparing for any essay. For example, you could have a particular kind of essay to fulfill for an assignment that doesn't require that you choose a topic, or as detailed above, you presently have a subject in mind and have to decide on how best to present it and which essay format would be far better use. If you already understand how to compose a narrative essay, you also be aware that the introduction is the very first and most important portion of any written assignment. It will be less difficult to compose an expository essay according to a comprehensive plan. You've learned main targets and types of expository essay. If you're unable to do so, it may actually make an impact on your essay ratings. To acquire a crystal clear comprehension of how expository writing differs, it is far better compare it to different essay genres. It's also critical to make sure each paragraph is joined to the previous and the subsequent one. Any expository essay has to have a concrete structure that includes five chief paragraphs. The overall definition of the expression expository is something meant to explain or describe. Ensure each paragraph comprises a topic sentence that's linked to the thesis statement and every new sentence represents an individual idea. To start with, you want to think what information you're likely to put in your upcoming essay. The Subject Is Essential to Your Success If you go for a subject that is not really acceptable for an exp ository essay, your whole work may be in vain. Select your way of writing before you begin your essay. If you're going to compose an expository essay, be ready to devote much time hitting books. If you wish to find out more about writing different varieties of essays, check out other posts on our blog which is going to teach you the way to compose academic papers successfully. Just as with any other kind of essay, you need to have the needed amount of information related to the topic on which you're writing an essay. There's always something to say about any topic, you simply will need to read papers of different folks to comprehend what you ought to write about in your paper. Deciding on an essay topic can stall your writing process for quite a while, as you just do not understand what you will write about. The subsequent interesting expository essay topics are sure to wake your urge to write immediately after you came across the subject you know about. Notably, there's been great confusion in regards to the 2 forms of essays mentioned previously. Expository essays supply better comprehension of a specific topic. The majority of the moment, expository essays are pres ented by offering a wide variety of topics and methods to bring up the idea. The Upside to Expository Essay Samples Staar Along with that, in addition, it attempts to demonstrate a hypothesis utilizing conclusive proof. The very first step is understanding what sort of expository essay you're likely to write. You are able to consist of information based on your own personal life findings, but nevertheless, it shouldn't be the sole source. Definitions of Expository Essay Samples Staar The simplest method of the way to begin an expository writing is to choose the topic and title. The intent of any expository writing is to reveal the qualities of notions indicated in this issue. Each expository essay is designed to recreate in the imagination of the reader a specific image. In case you have any difficulties with writing your expository essay, we understand how to help you perform nice and impress your intended audience. From time to time, you are going to be requested to comp ose an expository essay outline. Before you proceed to write, ensure you comprehend the format in which you should submit your essay, while it is APA, MLA, Harvard or some other style. Pick the one which you liek to compose a great expository essay! Make certain each and every sentence of your essay is joined to the thesis. The whole exposition should be connected throughout the essay. Among the other kinds of essay, it will become confusing to differentiate what is the objective of an expository essay. There are a couple distinct procedures for writing an expository essay. A wonderful expository essay provides a comprehensive explanation to the reader. Each paragraph of the human body of the expository essay has to have a dominant point that directly is related to the essay thesis. The very first portion of your essay ought to be an introduction. Introduction, body and conclusion are the 3 major sections of an essay that you must concentrate on to compose an explanatory essay.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Top 4 Social Commentary Essay Topics to Write a Social Commentary Paper

Top 4 Social Commentary Essay Topics to Write a Social Commentary PaperFor writing a Social Commentary essay you can also take note of the four topics you should choose for it. These topics are some of the most popular and appealing ones that you may find in the topic papers.Some of the topics that you can focus on include education, environment, celebrity, culture, sports, and charity. These topics are highly relevant to the subjects you have been reading lately. So, when you are doing this type of essay for your current subjects, don't forget to add these four different topics.It is always good to make some changes from the assignment if you want to give more emphasis to your essay. Add some more personal references if you are still writing and not submitting it for the class. This will surely be helpful to the teacher. Let her see your ability and how well you are able to express yourself.The opinions of the student from the class will also help you in judging whether your essay i s a good one or not. If they are satisfied with the quality of your essay, it is better to submit it to the teacher and hopefully she will really give you an excellent grade for the course.Other than those topics, make sure that you have also included about 20 percent of the other interesting topics in your essay. These can be the topics of your passion or interests. These are the things that you are really interested in.Writing essays is easy, but if you don't have the proper ideas, then it can become very difficult. You will definitely need a little bit of practice so that you can get used to the format. So, just make sure that you practice every day.If you know how to write a paper, you can also use it as an essay. You can submit it for class and then give the teacher your assignment as an essay for writing.This can be a powerful method to produce a quality essay. So, you can always keep yourself updated about these topics and if you want, you can add some personal information ab out yourself. This will certainly help you in judging how well you are doing with your essays.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The New Angle On Dreams Essay Topics Just Released

The New Angle On Dreams Essay Topics Just Released Dreams Essay Topics Options Academic papers cannot contain any signals of plagiarism. English is quite important nowadays because it's a worldwide language. In rare situations, however, individuals act out their dreams. When an individual don't currently have some type of vision people will likely move nowhere. You'll be bored and tired of the very same monotonous routines of your day-to-day life and won't even find interest in the most exciting things. There are an infinite number of times where folks are dreaming and feel they are absolutely encountering the circumstances and events in their dream state. The Pain of Dreams Essay Topics There is not anything wrong with small dreams but they have to form the foundation for one massive overarching dream. To immigrate from one nation to another is absolutely a transition of deep significance and long-lasting emotional effect. Maybe you were awakened by a horrific dream in the center of the evening. It's a good idea to maintain a pencil and notebook beside your bed so it will be within reach after you awaken. You can put your order during the evening and will still have it done in time. Then, 1 day, you are requested to sing somewhere. Dreams differs from most traditional video games because there is no central game, but instead an environment where users can produce their own games for other people to play, or to play an ever-expanding collection of games made by others. Anybody who has achieved their huge dream goal will tell you they had to develop laser sharp focus. Dexter learned the tough way your grand plans aren't always what you think that they'll be. Your residential home to almost all of your brand names about a world, that place furthermore provides some form of excellent bargain in terms of people today who do not likely wish so as to create any target for the majority of the openings. Dreams Essay Topics Ideas My purpose is to receive a superior job later on. You would like to do your research and be certain that you're getting involved with a business which has a great reputation for supporting their franchisees. To make certain you will see a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that is always online. There will not be any wish to reach. It will be among the most challenging too, but this is all a portion of the journey. You need to construct and enact an escape plan now to refrain from losing any more time. The very first step is to get a very clear mind. Quit focusing on the past Stop dwelling in the past. There's a point in everybody's life when our turn comes. It is by far the most important time as it is the only time once we have any power (Leo Tolstoy). You've got to picture in your mind every time this is your final day on Earth and that it's now or never to accomplish your goal, and truly feel great in the present time about it. Your head is centered on the incorrect thing. The Ultimate Dreams Essay Topics Trick Remembering your dreams can be extremely easy when you know the most suitable steps, and at Dream Dictionary we'll teach you to increase dream recall. Writing an essay on Dreams may be an overwhelming job to take on. Lots, as it happens, but you will have to read the story to learn for yourself. Aspirations are actually all of the fuel that preserve energizing a person to go farther. Success comes together with education.